So you are out on your hunt, and although it seems there is tons and tons of game, you really just can’t find anywhere to find cover?
What Are the Best Hunting Tips for Your First Hunt?
You’ve finally got all your permits sorted, a brand new rifle strapped to your back and a belt full of ammo! Ah! It’s a great feeling, isn’t it?! But there’s one big problem – you’ve never been hunting before. You’re probably wondering where the hell do you start?!
The basics of how to squirrel hunt
Where should I scout? Truly if you think about it, the question of “Where do I scout?” is quite funny because where don’t you see squirrels on the planet of ours? The question really becomes, “Which places am I allowed to hunt?”
Hunting Tips: How Do You Pick the Best Rifle Scope?
One of the most important pieces of equipment that any good hunter should own is a rifle scope.
Duck Hunting Tips: How Do You Build an Awesome Duck Blind?
One of the best duck hunting tips I can give a newbie is pretty simple: build yourself a duck blind. But if you want to learn how to hunt ducks like a pro then you need to build an awesome duck blind. That’s why I’ve racked my brain to come up with some amazing tips […]